Friday, September 3, 2010

The Builder

You can check out my latest entry for my church blog at the link below.

The Builder

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weapons of War

Armed with his weapons of war,
he advances;
Crouching down low,
behind enemy lines.

Prisoners of war,
on a mission to rescue.
Sweat burns his eyes,
In his race against time.

Cuts through the fence,
and ducks quickly inside,
careful to leave
not a trace of himself.

Now to the cell block;
the stench, indescribable;
Fear overrides body's
urging to retch.

Quickly through the locks, and then
throws wide the doors to set them free.

Then, in careless haste, a hail of bullets,
from his weapon fly.

Numb with shock, he staggers,
through the damage that his words have caused.
Heeding now, too late, the Spirit's prodding
to control his tongue.

Kevin E. Ness

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How does a nation fall?

How does a nation fall?  Occasionally, it falls from enemies without, who blatantly attack and overpower the weaker nation.  So how does a nation, that has demonstrated its military superiority to every foe heretofore gathered against it, fall?  It falls from enemies within.

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."  How many "good men" have sat idly by for decades now while the enemies of our Judeo-Christian heritage have slowly and insidiously infiltrated all levels of our society, lulling many to sleep with cleverly constructed catch-phrases like "hope and change?" 

Too often we forget that the most deadly evil is that which is least obvious. Satan masquerades as an angel of light, not as someone in a bad Halloween costume with red tights, horns, tail and a pitchfork.  But why?  Because the evil that is obvious is more easily avoided and guarded against. 

Satan is a fool, but that does not mean that he is without strategy.  He will not hit us where we are strongest; he will slip in at the weakest point of our defenses, lull us to sleep, and then stab us in the back.  Americans are, by and large, a compassionate people.  This is a source of strength, when coupled with biblical truth and values. 

But compassion without a compass is deadly.

When we allow the heartstrings of our compassion to be played by a vernacular virtuoso, we lose sight of the truth that gave birth to our compassion in the first place.  Driven by emotions, we make irrational decisions.  Because emotions, by their very nature, are not rational.  There is nothing wrong with emotions, per se.  They are great companions on the road trip of our lives.  But when emotions overpower the brain and take control of the bus, bad things happen, because emotions only exist in the "Now;" they do not plan for the future.

There are many in this Administration who are very calculated in their efforts to play the heartstrings of our citizens, to keep them so focused on the "Now," that they pay no attention to the coming bondage into which they are selling themselves. 

It is the duty and calling of all who love Truth to stand as watchmen on the walls and sound the alarm long and loud, in hopes of waking our citizens up before the takeover is complete.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Truth and Obamacare

The Truth always comes out.  Always.  Your only choice is how it comes out...with your cooperation, or without your cooperation.  Trying to keep the Truth hidden is like trying to keep an unbreakable beach ball underwater indefinitely.  If you're a stronger swimmer than others, you may get it down farther and keep it down longer than some.  But eventually, you will get tired, and POP! up comes up the ball.  For those on the side of Truth, this is a very comforting fact.

But for those who are in the habit of trying to keep the Truth hidden, it is a source of great terror.  That is why they have to go to such great lengths and expend tremendous energy to keep the lie going.  The old saying is true: "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."  The Truth is simple; it's not easy, but it is simple.  There is only one version of Truth.  Lying is very complicated, because you constantly have to keep track of which version you told to whom.

In John 14:6, Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  As a follower of Jesus, I know that Truth will ultimately win out, because Jesus already won at the cross.  It is my responsibility to proclaim the Truth in love, and pray that people receive it.  But it is not my responsibility what people choose to do with the Truth they hear.  I do not have to be anxious if, for a time, deception and lies seem to have the upper hand.  Because ultimately, Jesus will make all things right.

Right now, there are those in Washington who are party to a deception of incredible magnitude.  They have preyed on people's fears and sympathies to foist an unconstitutional healthcare bill upon us.  They have manipulated numbers in either direction as it suits them, to either exaggerate the numbers who are without insurance, or play down the true cost of this behemoth that will sell future generations into financial slavery on an unprecedented scale.

The biggest lie of all is that Obamacare does not allow federal dollars to be used to fund abortions.  The lie that somehow an Executive Order from a President who has one of the most radical pro-abortion records in history will somehow insure this would be laughable if it were not so tragic.  All the more so because this is from the lips of a man who would slaughter his own grandchildren so that his daughters would not be "burdened" by a child.

The Truth is that while our healthcare system definitely has room for improvement, it is still the best in the world.  The United States is not a democracy.  We are a democratic republic, governed by the rule of law.  We need to work within the framework of our Constitution to bring about the necessary changes, and hold accountable at the ballot box those who would try to do an end-run around it.