Friday, May 25, 2012


Here am I now, at Your table, dear Lord,
Unworthy wretch saved by Jesus' blood.
As I watch my own son take the bread and the cup,
My heart's pierced afresh at the depth of Your love.

I'm an imperfect father of clay, yet my love
for this son of mine here, is as deep as the sea.
Yet before the seas formed, or the stars gave off light,
You have loved Your Son Jesus, with eternal, pure love.

Could I give my own son, to suffer and die,
For the sins of a people, who spit in my face?
Who taunt me, and mock me, deny I exist,
While using the breath that I formed for their lungs?

I praise You, dear Father, for loving me so,
For loving me more than I'll ever deserve.
Help me hallow Your name, as I cling to Your grace;
Help me share with the world, this gift of Your peace.
©® Kevin Ness