"We, the People"
Beleaguered, she stands, a tired bastion of Hope.
A guide to the nation, a pathway of Truth.
To those who hold dear all the words she contains,
She's a light in the darkness, a shelter from harm.
To those who seek pow'r as an end in itself,
She stands at the gateway, refusing their call.
They plead and cajole, they threaten and beg,
'Til at last, in deception, they find now a way.
A way to dismantle, pervert and destroy,
The will of the Fathers, who first penned the words.
Through judges supreme, they redefine Truth,
And cast out as useless, the knowledge of God.
With absolutes banished from courtrooms of law,
Licentiousness knocks, and the gate opens wide.
Our great Constitution helped give this land birth.
We must fight for her honor;
We must fight for the Truth.
©® Kevin Ness